When you think of starting a yoga class or you practice at home keep these 20 points in mind.
- Consult a doctor before you start any exercise to ensure you don’t injure yourself in the process of getting better health.
- Don’t drink water during the class. When you are practicing the asans the body builds up heat and drinking water will cool your body and the affect of the asan will be reduced. If you have to then just have a sip and not more.
- Yoga is not a sport so when you are practicing it don’t compete with the others in your class. You are practicing yoga for your health.
- Settle on a style of yoga and a teacher who can understand you and tailor the program according to your needs. Though it is not a life long commitment its better if you stick to one teacher as you will learn faster and the sessions will be more effective.
- Certain asans are best practiced under guidance of a teacher if you try them by yourself you might end up with an injury.
- Avoid shorts or pants that will roll down when you lift your leg up for an asan. The best is a tight (the stretchy ones) and cottons are always better.
- Ladies, tie up your hair. Make sure they are not on your face when you are practicing the asans.
- Carry hand towels. They can be used as props for some asans and they are handy to wipe off your sweat during the class
- Cut your nails so you don’t land up scratching yourself.
- Do no use moisturizer for your yoga class. They will make your hand & feet slippery while doing the asans.
- Minimise distractions especially mobiles. Put them on silent when you are practicing.
- Stick to practice routines. A great way to is to do them first thing in the morning. You not only have the whole day for yourself but they give a lot of energy for the entire day.
- If you feel light headed then STOP. Remember, your body knows its capacity so listen to it.
- Keep a sweater handy for Shavasan. It might get cold.
- Have a balanced diet. Many yoga schools recommend a vegetarian diet as the diet is light and will make the asan practise easier.
- Allow 2 to 3 hours between eating and practice.
- If you practice yoga very often its advisable that you invest in a good non slip mat.
- Make sure that you wash your yoga clothes and you yoga mat regularly.
- If you are practicing yoga at home a good way to keep the practice going is to develop a ritual along with it like you may light a lamp, or incense or say a prayer anything that will calm your mind and get you prepared for the practice.
- Be in the present. Do not over think situations especially while you are practicing. The shopping, phone calls, etc can wait for 20 minutes a day.
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