Monday, October 19, 2009

Pranayama & its side-effects!

Asanas are only a part of yoga. There is anatomy, philosophy, breathing, meditation and principles of yoga which are equally important. As a part of the exercises asanas, pranayams and kriyas are taught.

Pranayama is an exercise with air. The Sanskrit word 'prana' means breath or bio-energy, while 'ayama' means regulation or control. Pranayama is a scientific method of controlling or regulating the breath, leading to better health for both mind and body.

Pranayama is not as complex as it is made out to be, but neither is it something that can be taken lightly. The ancient Sanskrit texts state that Pranayama properly done can cure all diseases, but wrongly done will only invite the same diseases! In fact, if pranayamas like Kapalabhati is wrongly performed it can even cause piles. It is thus of utmost importance to learn pranayama from a proper teacher.

Rules for Pranayama:

  • Seating Arrangement

Select a clean and peaceful place for doing Pranayama. You must do it in an airy and comfortable atmosphere not inside an air conditioned room.

Pranayama should be done in a proper posture: spine erect and firm base. No slouching. Otherwise the breath won't go into the lungs properly. Sit either in any of the asanas, like Padmasana, Sukhasan or Vajrasana, whichever you find convenient.

  • Directions

Breathe only through the nose, because by doing so the air which you take in is filtered. Even during the daytime make it a habit to do respire only through nose and not through mouth.

Pranayama should also be performed three hours after taking food.

In the morning Pranayama should be done after finishing daily routine acts like brushing your teeth, emptying of bowels etc.

In the beginning Pranayama should be done for five or ten minutes gradually the time may be increased up to about half or one hour. Maintain a specific number of repetitions. Maintain a specific rhythm. Kapalabhati Pranayama, if done regularly for a few days will help in curing constipation.

Pranayama also helps calm down the disturbed mind and keep one happy.

  • Risk Management

Methods of Pranayama may be varied according to the seasons and your own physical make up and mental attitude. Keep this in mind and modulate the method accordingly. Some Pranayama increase the body temperature, whereas, some bring it down. Some Pranayama maintain the temperature at the normal level. If done wrongly can cause high blood pressure due to hyper-ventilation.

If you are a heart patient and you do some of the pranayams which involve holding of the breath you might get severe palpitations.

If you feel fatigued in the course of doing Pranayama, rest for sometime and then begin deep breathing, which will remove the fatigue.

If you are pregnant, hungry or suffering from fever, you should not do Pranayama. Especially the kumbhak and soonyak (holding breath after breathing in or breathing out) should not be performed by pregnant women, cardiac patients, people with hypertension, children below the age of 10 years and elderly people above 65 years.

  • Keep in Mind...

Do not strain yourself while doing kumbhak i.e. retaining the breathed air inside or keeping the air out after exhaling.

Pranayama does not mean just breathing in, keeping the breathed air in and exhaling it. It also means establishing control on the entire breathing process, and maintaining mental equilibrium, and concentration of mind.

When doing any kind of pranayama your eyes must be closed or else you might feel like a heavy headed. Even after the pranayams are over, leave your eyes closed till you feel settled and aware of the surroundings. Eyes if opened suddenly could give a headache.

Certain heavy pranayamas like kapalbhati, bhastrika must not be done if you are experiencing high blood pressure; it might aggravate the problem.

It is beneficial to chant the mantra Om aloud and repeat the same several times before doing Pranayama. This will calm your mind and make you fit for Pranayama, because a peaceful mind is very essential while doing Pranayama. Mental or loud recitation of Gayatri Mantra or any other sacred hymn brings spiritual benefits.

See that while doing Pranayama, none of your organs such as mouth, eyes, nose, etc. feels any strain and it should be done gradually without any undue stress or strain. All the organs of the body should be kept in normal condition. While doing Pranayama sit in an erect posture. Keep your spine and neck straight. This is essential for reaping the full benefit of Pranayama.

If it becomes necessary for you to take bath after Pranayama, keep an interval of about 15 to 20 minutes between Pranayama and bathing.

While practicing pranayama there should no pets in the same room. They can disturb your practice.

Initially it is a must to be done under a trained teacher otherwise u may do it wrongly. As much as possible don't do it watching TV.


Doing the Pranayama properly will help you with health issues and improve your health in so many ways.

  • Health issues like Obesity, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Constipation, Flatulence, Acidity, Respiratory problems, Allergy, Migraine, High blood pressure, Diseases pertaining to kidneys, Sexual disorders, Parkinson’s Disease and Insomnia

  • Certain process of aging like appearance of wrinkles, forgetfulness and dwindling of eyesight can be relieved.

  • Face becomes bright, luminous and calm.

  • Energy and concentration level increases.

  • Conditions like depression are relieved.

  • Your blood circulation gets better which increases the body strength.

  • All the physical and mental disorders and abnormalities are cured and toxins eradicated from the body.

  • Freedom from negative thinking can be achieved and the mind develops the habit of positive and constructive thinking.

Pranayama is the exercise with a lot of benefits and if done in the framework provided then all the benefits could be yours. But you have to do it the right way or don't do it at all because instead of curing yourself, you might be inviting the disease.

1 comment:

  1. nice post ...
    pranayam is an excellent way to start a day. it has to be done correctly to be effective ...
    ur post gives a good insight into that aspect ...
