Saturday, September 25, 2010

Yog Mudra

If yoga is a tree then asana is one of the branches of this big tree. Yoga is the union of mind, body and soul. Each asana or pranayam affects the body, mind and soul equally.

Yog Mudra promotes flexibility for the body and humility of mind & soul.

  • Sit erect in Padmasana, ardha padmasan or sukhasan.
  • Take your arms behind your back and interlock hands or hold the right wrist with your left hand.
  • Take a deep breathe and twist from your hip to your right side. Exhale slowly as your bend forward from your hip to touch your forehead to your knee. Relax your body as you rest your forehead on your knee.
  • Hold this position for 3 counts. Slowly inhale and revert to the first position.
  • Repeat the asana on the left side and for the third time repeat the asana by bending forward and trying to touch your forehead to the floor.
  • This completes one round of Yog Mudra. Repeat the set 3 times.
  • Tones and builds strong abdominal organs and nerves.
  • Prevents constipation, seminal weakness, displaced abdominal organs.
  • Reduces excess fat on abdomen and improves health of lower abdomen.
  • Prevents enlargement of prostate glands & collapse of uterus.
  • Stretches the spinal column, neck and back muscles and makes them supple.
  • You have stiff neck, trunk, knees or severe back ache.
  • You have Acute stomach ache/abdominal disorders hydrocele or hernia.
  • If you experience pain while performing the asana then do not proceed. It is advisable that your consult your doctor before you start yoga or any form of exercises.
  • Wait for at least 2 hours after food to do any yoga asans

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