Bhujangasana concentrates on your spine and abdomen. The traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat, destroys disease, and awakens kundalini.
All the asanas are believed to develop or strengthen a particular human quality or attribute or build a human value. Bhujangasana is believed to develop will power and determination in the people who practise it regularly.
- Lie on your stomach with legs pointing out, heels together & forehead to the ground.
- Place palms on the floor at the side of your chest
- Lift head and shoulder backward without pressure on the palms while inhaling 3 seconds
- Do not lift higher than the naval region and hold your breath for 6 seconds
- Breathe out 3 seconds and return to staring position.
- Opens the heart and lungs
- Strengthens the spine & keeps it supple and flexible
- helps building confidence
- stimulates the liver, pancreas & facilitates digestion
- Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen
- Firms the buttocks
- Helps relieve stress and fatigue
- Therapeutic for asthma
- Helps in curing snoring
Abdominal injuries, hypertension, severe cardiac problem, hernia, colitis, Back injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Headache and Pregnancy
Also do not continue with the asana if you are not comfortable or experience any kind of discomfort while performing the asana. It is always better to continue with the asanas when you are with an experienced instructor / teacher.
Nice terms of detailed explanation on the Bhujangasana that provides the lots of idea in doing it, It really innovative content... Thanks for giving out.